
Applications for pupillage are now closed. They will open again in January 2026.

We offer up to two pupillages for a period of twelve months starting in October every other year, provided that the candidates from whom we receive applications meet our criteria for selection. These include ability, both practical and academic, personality and aptitude, together with the commitment and flexibility to face the challenges of a changing and demanding profession.

Pupils taken on for pupillage in October 2025 will be granted an award totalling £70,000, comprising a grant of £40,000 payable in regular instalments throughout the first 6 months of pupillage together with guaranteed earnings in the second 6 months of pupillage of £30,000. Guaranteed earnings refer to fees billed – there may be some delay between when clients are billed and when those bills are paid, but we strive to ensure this period is as short as possible. You are entitled to keep any earnings you make above this amount. Up to £10,000 may be drawn down by way of loan before the commencement of pupillage for the purpose of assisting with tuition fees and the like.

Please see also our stand-alone bespoke website about pupillage at Serjeants’​ Inn here, which includes a guide on “what you can expect from us”, video interviews, a time-line an insight into our approach to ESG, EDI and well-being, together with practice resources and a handy jargon buster as well as many other features.