Sarah Clarke KC

Call 1994 | Silk 2017

Sarah Clarke KC | Call 1994 | Silk 2017

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Sarah represents families, doctors and Hospital Trusts at inquests throughout the country. She is particularly experienced in inquests which engage Article 2 ECHR and those involving juries, where her background in jury trials and cross-examination makes her particularly effective.

Inquests & Inquiries

Sarah Clarke KC acts as Counsel to the Inquest in high profile, 3 month Gaia Pope-Sutherland Inquest with 10 interested Persons and over 70 witnesses. Click here for more information.

“She is extremely well prepared, very knowledgeable and puts the client at the heart of her advice.”
Chambers & Partners

experience & expertise

Sarah represents families, doctors and hospital Trusts at inquests throughout the country and is also instructed as Counsel to the Inquest. She is particularly experienced in inquests which engage Article 2 ECHR and those involving juries, where her background in jury trials and cross-examination makes her particularly effective.

  • Gaia Pope Sutherland Inquest (2022): Instructed as Counsel to the Inquest in this high profile 3 month inquest with 10 Interested Persons and over 70 witnesses.
    Click here, here, here and here for more information
  • Brian Rochell Inquest (2021): Representing a large Hospital Trust in this inquest involving the tragic death of a Critical Care Unit patient following an unsafe extubation.  Extensive expert witness evidence.
  • Derek Brundrett Inquest (2020): Representing CAMHS in this inquest involving the tragic suicide of a 14 year old schoolboy.
    Click here and here for news coverage
  • Stanley Babbs Inquest (2018): Representing a large Hospital Trust in Article 2 Inquest.
  • Amin Abdullah Inquest (2017): Representing Psychiatrist in this inquest involving the suicide by fire of a voluntary inpatient.
  • Re S inquest (2015): Representing a Junior Doctor who was being “scapegoated” by the Hospital Trust in respect of the death of a patient. As a result of cross-examination of the Trust’s witnesses, I successfully established that she was not at fault.
  • Re X inquest (2015): Representing a Hospital Trust in an Article Jury inquest involving the suicide of a voluntary mental health patient.
  • Dorothy Ross inquest (2014): Represented a Hospital Trust in an Article 2 inquest involving issues of unlawful killing and neglect.
  • Sam Boon inquest (2014): Acted for the family GP in this high profile inquest involving the sudden death from heat stroke of a teenager on a World Challenge expedition in Morocco.
    Click here for press coverage
  • Representing a GP Practice in an inquest into the death of a care in the community patient. (2013-14)
  • Representing a GP’s practice in Article 2 Jury inquest involving death of patient sectioned under Mental Health Act. (2014)
  • Representing ‘Out of Hours’ GP service in inquest concerning death by suicide. (2014)


‘Her cross-examination is efficient, flexible, and relentless. She is an astute tactician who is approachable and stands her ground.’
The Legal 500

‘An absolutely outstanding advocate who will always do an excellent job. ’
The Legal 500

‘Her varied background in law brings strength, and she is totally reliable and practical.’
The Legal 500