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“The exceptional Serjeants’ Inn Chambers is instructed in some of the most prominent cases in the country”
Chambers & Partners

The Barrister magazine features our four latest arrivals

15th October 2018

Leading Chambers Serjeants’ Inn is pleased to announce that Alexander dos Santos,  Matthew Chidley, Rhys Hadden and Elizabeth Fox have joined the set. The award-winning chambers has gained 14 new tenants in 12 months, including two silks and a former judge in Dijen Basu QC, Nageena Khalique QC and His Honour Brian Barker CBE QC.

Called to the Bar in 1999, Alexander dos Santos practises in financial and regulatory crime, commercial law, extradition, public law, professional discipline and inquests.

Alexander has conducted lengthy and high value trials, and advises companies on issues of compliance with anti-bribery and corruption, money laundering and health & safety regulations. He provides pre-litigation and strategic advice to those caught up in regulatory and criminal investigations. Alexander also has significant experience in judicial review in a variety of contexts, including sports law and prison law.

For many years Alexander has served as an appointed specialist advocate on panels to prosecute matters of specialist regulatory law including health and safety, environmental law, extradition, proceeds of crime and serious and organised crime. He is also a member of the League Managers Association Legal Panel.

Matthew Chidley, called in 2008, is instructed on a range of significant matters ranging from investment, revenue and immigration fraud, to money laundering, bribery and corruption and misconduct in a public office.

Appointed to the SFO Panels for both prosecution and proceeds of crime work, as well as the CPS Specialist Fraud Panel, Matthew is increasingly instructed in substantial matters and has a wealth of experience in contested hearings post-conviction, enforcement hearings and cash forfeiture applications.

Matthew has appeared in extradition proceedings, both at first instance and on appeal and he has considerable experience in factually complex, multi-handed cases, in particular financial crime, which require an ability to master large volumes of material and present complex issues with clarity.

Rhys Hadden, 2006 call, represents a broad variety of clients in the Court of Protection in both Health and Welfare and Property and Affairs cases. He regularly acts for the Official Solicitor, the Public Guardian, health bodies, local authorities, deputies and family members.

Rhys also specialises in all areas of public and administrative law in both England and Wales. He has particular experience of cases affecting children and vulnerable adults, human rights, community care, healthcare, mental health, education and social housing.

He is frequently instructed in judicial review proceedings, other divisions of the High Court, the Court of Appeal and specialist tribunals in the public law field.

Elizabeth Fox joins after a successful pupillage at the set. Before joining Chambers Elizabeth worked as a legal researcher for a range of organisations specialising in human rights.

Catherine Calder, Joint CEO comments, “This is part of our strategy to extend our service for clients. It gives us even greater capability to provide Court of Protection expertise in Property and Affairs as well as Health and Welfare cases.  It enhances our public law practice and builds our Business and Specialist Crime offering in direct response to client demand”.

Serjeants’ Inn, which specialises in high-stakes cases, often involving important legal, ethical and social issues, have won 23 awards in three years. We are currently shortlisted as Clinical Negligence and Professional Discipline Set of the Year at the Chambers & Partners Bar Awards, with John Beggs QC a finalist for Professional Discipline Silk of the Year.

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