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Seven Serjeants’ Inn Barristers named on the Pro Bono Recognition List 2024

20th June 2024

Seven Barristers of Serjeants’ Inn Chambers have been named on the inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List 2024. The list is a new initiative that recognises barristers and solicitors who have given 25 or more hours of pro bono legal assistance over the previous calendar year.

Congratulations to Katie Gollop KC, Mark Harries KC, Rachel Spearing, Rhys Hadden, Aaron Rathmell, Jake Rylatt and Rachel Gourley.

If you have already completed 25 or more hours of pro bono work in 2024, make sure to complete the submission form to appear on next year’s Recognition List.

Read more about the publication of the Pro Bono Recognition List here.

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