Public & Administrative

“He invariably gets you the right result; he will always fight his client’s corner 100%”
Chambers & Partners
Andrew appeared in Sosanya v GMC (JR of IOP decision of GMC). Click here to read the judgment.
Experience and expertise
Andrew’s work in the field of public and administrative law is related to his practice in the healthcare field. He has for many years been a leading practitioner in the area of medical treatment decisions (involving life and death decisions) and been involved in a number of the landmark cases such as the conjoined twins and Glass cases. He also appears regularly in the Administrative Court in judicial review proceedings and statutory appeals relating to decisions made by professional regulatory bodies (GMC and GDC).
His notable cases include:
- PSA v GDC & anor [2016] EWHC 2154
- Ashraf v GDC [2014] EWHC 2618
- Sosanya v GMC [2010] LS Law
- Sharief v GMC [2009] LS Law
- Calhaem v GMC [2008] LS Law 96
- H (a healthcare worker) v Associated Newspapers CA [2002] Lloyds Rep Med (privacy/confidentiality re HIV healthcare worker)
- Re A (conjoined twins) CA [2001] Fam 147
- R v Portsmouth NHS Trust ex p Glass [1999] 2 FLR 905 (judicial review of treatment decision. Instructed by O/S)
- Sosanya v GMC [2010] Med LR 62 (JR of IOP decision of GMC)
- CRHP v GDC Admin Court [2006] BMLR 36
- Watson v GMC Admin Court [2005] Lloyds Rep Med 435