Dijen is clerked primarily by Lee Johnson, Clare Sabido, Jennifer Pooler and Emma Bell.

“An enormously impressive and engaging advocate, he is very precise both orally and in writing, and he takes no prisoners”
Chambers & Partners
Dijen was appointed a Recorder of the Crown Court in 2009 and a member of the Attorney General’s Panel of Special Advocates in 2010.
Police Law & Public law
Dijen is consistently ranked by Chambers & Partners as a leading silk for Police Law and Inquests & Inquiries.
He advises and represents police forces and other police organisations in relation to matters of civil and public law unique to policing such as:
- Use of force by police
- Entry, search and seizure by police officers, under search warrants and/or under PACE powers;
- Police powers, including defending judicial review claims brought against police forces challenging their exercise of powers;
- Police involved shootings
- Counter terrorism;
- Defending claims brought against police alleging assault (including use of firearms), false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, misfeasance in a public office and discrimination;
- Defending human rights claims;
- Policing protests;
- Charging organisers for the cost of providing Special Police Services at events such as football matches and large concerts; and
- Information Law: data protection and freedom of information.
Notable cases include:
R (Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis) v PAT [2024] EWHC 2348 (Admin), and (for remedy) [2024] EWHC 3263 (Admin) (Lieven J): Dijen represented the Commissioner of Police in his successful judicial review challenge to the PAT’s decision to set aside an officer’s dismissal for gross misconduct and to remit the matter to a fresh Panel with back pay. The High Court quashed the PAT’s decision on the ground that the misconduct panel’s findings were open to them and that their finding that the officer had deliberately misled them on important issues was a matter which could reasonably lead to a finding of gross misconduct. The officer’s dismissal therefore stood. In the subsequent remedy judgment, the Court acceded to the Commissioner’s application that the officer (the Interested Party in the claim) repay to him the back pay sums she had received for the period prior to her return to service under the PAT’s decision, a period during which she was not rendering service as a constable.
R (Dunne) v Independent Office for Police Conduct [2023] EWHC 3300 (Admin) (Ritchie J): a case in which the Claimant was deliberately struck on the head with the muzzle of a firearm by a police officer, causing him a catastrophic brain injury. His mother (as litigation friend) alleged that the Defendant’s investigation into the matter breached his rights under Article 2 ECHR. The Court held that Article 2 ECHR required the IOPC to provide to the Claimant sufficient disclosure during its investigation and a draft report to enable effective participation by her and ought to have conducted face to face interviews with the involved officers. He held that it was obliged to published its investigation report. The decision is most relevant to official investigations where grave injury, just short of death, is intentionally inflicted by agents of the state, given that there will be no inquest to discharge the state’s Article 2 investigative obligation.
ABC & others v Derbyshire County Council and Chief Constable of Derbyshire Constabulary [2023] EWHC 986 (KB) (Hill J): highly unusual case involving multi-agency working where Fabricated or Induced Illness, a form of child abuse, was suspected. The Claimants were parents (who had been arrested) and their children (who had been removed from their parents’ case by police pursuant to s.46 of the Children Act 1989). They claimed over £2.5m in damages and costs for false imprisonment, human rights violations and negligence. Dijen (leading Matthew Holdcroft) represented the Chief Constable before Mrs. Justice Hill, who dismissed all of the claims with costs.
R (Chief Constable of South Yorkshire) v Crown Court at Sheffield and Kelly [2021] EWCA Civ 1699, Court of Appeal (Moylan, Males & Phillips LJJ): appeal concerning a police injury pension sought 11 years after the officer’s retirement, his entitlement to a back-dated award, the jurisdiction of the Crown Court to hear and determine the claim and its power to award interest in pension appeals.
Eckland v Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Constabulary [2021] EWCA Civ 1961, Court of Appeal (Underhill LJ (Vice-President of the Court of Appeal, Coulson & Carr LJJ): Dijen represented the police in an appeal concerning the liability of a chief constable for a discriminatory dismissal carried out by an independent police misconduct hearing panel over which she had no control and whose discrimination she could not have prevented. The force argued that the officer has a claim against the members of the panel for compensation for discrimination against him in the carrying out of a public function. The appeal was dismissed and the Supreme Court (Lord Reed PSC, Lord Sales and Lord Hamblen JJSC) refused permission to appeal.
Williams v Information Commissioner [2021] UKUT 149 (AAC), [2022] 1 WLR 259, Upper Tribunal (Judge Jones): this Upper Tribunal appeal concerned a Freedom of Information Act 2000 request seeking information concerning a port stop performed by police pursuant to Sch 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Dijen acted for the Chief Constable of Kent Police. The case was remitted to the first tier tribunal for a further hearing in which the Chief Constable succeeded.
R (AB) v Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary [2019] EWHC 3461 (Admin), Divisional Court (Dame Victoria Sharp PQBD & Lewis J): Dijen successfully defended the Chief Constable in a judicial review claim alleging a failure to discharge her duty to investigate credible allegations of Article 3 harm made by a 15-year old boy with severe learning and communication difficulties where it had not been possible to find a registered intermediary to assist in his police interview. The Court also gave important guidance concerning the admissibility of, and prerequisites for the admission of, expert evidence which has been followed a number of times since.
Re M (Children) (Disclosure to the Police) [2019] EWCA Civ 1364, [2019] 4 WLR 115, Court of Appeal (Sir Andrew McFarlane (President of the Family Division), Simon and Nicola Davies LJJ): Acting for the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police, Dijen successfully resisted an appeal, brought by parents in care proceedings, against an order for disclosure to police of their witness statements given under compulsion in those proceedings. The parents are among the many people returning to the UK from Syria with their children.
Capita Customer Management Ltd v Ali & Chief Constable of Leicestershire v Hextall [2019] EWCA Civ 900, [2020] ICR 87, Court of Appeal (Sir Terence Etherton MR, Bean and Rose LJJ): represented the Chief Constable in his successful appeal against the decision of the EAT (Slade J) that paying men statutory shared parental leave pay potentially constitutes indirect sex discrimination. The EAT decision had been the cause of widespread concern among employers. An appeal to the Supreme Court by the officer in the Hextall case was refused permission.
MLIA & CLEL v Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary [2017] EWHC 292 (QB) (Lavender J): Dijen successfully defended the police (leading Mark Thomas) in a claim brought by a mother and daughter who reported serious allegations of domestic violence against the daughter’s ex-partner to police in 2005.
R (A & others) v The Central Criminal Court & Anor [2017] EWHC 70 (Admin), [2017] 1 WLR 3567 (Gross LJ & Ouseley J): Dijen appeared at the Old Bailey in order to apply for search warrants in a highly sensitive investigation and successfully defended claims for their quashing. The police were permitted to retain the mobile phones seized.
Ipswich Town Football Club Co Ltd v Chief Constable of Suffolk Constabulary [2017] EWCA Civ 1484, [2017] 4 WLR 195, Court of Appeal (Lord Briggs, Gloster & Gross LJJ): Dijen represented the police (leading Catriona Hodge) in a claim concerning the right of police to charge for the policing of events. The force were successful at first instance but the Court of Appeal overturned the judgment.
Koraou v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police [2015] EWCA Civ 646, [2016] QB 161, Court of Appeal (Lord Dyson MR, Laws & Kitchin LJJ): Dijen acted for the Chief Constable, defending the claimant’s appeal in one of the first two cases (the other being DSD v Commissioner of Police, with which it was heard) to reach the Court of Appeal, concerning whether Article 3 imposes an investigatory duty, the breach of which sounds in damages. The Chief Constable was successful.
Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Constabulary v Allard [2015] EWCA Civ 42, [2015] ICR 875, Court of Appeal (Longmore, Patten & Gloster LJJ): with Jeremy Johnson KC, Dijen represented the Chief Constable (as he had below) in this appeal concerning overtime entitlements of police informant (source) handlers.
R (M) v Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary & Secretary of State for the Home Department [2014] EWCA Civ 1651, [2015] 1 WLR 1176, Court of Appeal (Moore-Bick, Tomlinson & King LJJ): Dijen represented the Chief Constable before the Court of Appeal who held that the force did not breach a sex offender’s Article 8 rights by conducting unannounced visits to assess his risk of reoffending.
R (Mackaill & ors) v Independent Police Complaints Commission & ors [2014] EWHC 3170 (Admin), [2015] ACD 19, Divisional Court (Davis LJ & Wilkie J): This case arose out of a meeting between Police Federation officers and the Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP shortly after the notorious ‘Plebgate’ incident at the gates of Downing Street which ended Mitchell’s career.
Greatrex v Chief Constable of Gwent Constabulary: Dijen acted for the Chief Constable whose officers had arrested a 67-year old man, who had never before been in trouble with the police and who was released without charge. Every aspect of the arrest was challenged but the focus was on necessity. After a 5-day trial before HHJ Seys-Llewellyn KC and a jury, the jury returned verdicts in the chief constable’s favour.
R (A) v Chief Constable of Kent Constabulary [2013] EWCA Civ 1706, Court of Appeal (Pitchford, Beatson & Gloster LJJ): Enhanced Criminal Records Certificate case concerning a nurse.
R (Minter) v Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary & Secretary of State for the Home Department [2013] EWCA Civ 697, [2014] 1 WLR 179, Court of Appeal (Laws, Moore-Bick & Beatson LJJ): claimant held to be subject to the sex offenders’ notification regime for life. Dijen represented the successful chief constable.
Inquests & Inquiries
Dijen has decades of experience in the field of inquests and inquiries. His experience as a doctor often gives him the edge in inquests, especially where there are complex scientific and medical questions to be answered. His work includes deaths in custody and following contact with the police, and unexpected deaths in hospital, both in the National Health Service and in the private sector. Chambers & Partners has previously noted that he’s “a creative thinker and an absolutely outstanding cross-examiner” and “an enormously impressive and engaging advocate, he is very precise both orally and in writing, and he takes no prisoners.”
He represented (with Alex dos Santos) the Building Control Surveyor responsible for the Grenfell Tower refurbishment who was a core participant in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.
Notable Cases Include:
Inquest Touching the Death of Mumtaz Member [2025]: representing the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary in the inquest into the death of Mumtaz Member who was discovered to have been brutally killed in her home in December 2015. Her murder remains unsolved.
Public Inquiry into the Death of Jalal Uddin [2024]: representing the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Constabulary in the Public Inquiry into the death of Jalal Uddin, an imam who was said to practise Ruq’yah, a form of exorcism which Islamic State allegedly regards as black magic. Mr Uddin was murdered by men believed to be supporters of Islamic State, one of whom was previously assessed as being of high risk of acting on his extremist aspirations.
Inquest Touching the Death of Daniela Espirito Santo [2024]: represented the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Constabulary in the jury inquest into the death of a young mother following an attack by an ex-partner in her home. The inquest partly turned on the important question of whether the police had received adequate training in relation the offence of coercive and controlling behaviour.
Inquests Touching the Deaths of the Victims of the Keyham Shootings [2023]: represented the National Police Chiefs’ Council Licensing Lead as an Interested Person so that she could participate as fully as possible in this important inquest and assess how best to prevent future deaths through modification of firearms licensing law, practice, and training.
Inquest Touching the Death of Matthew Caseby [2022]: represented a private hospital in the jury inquest into the death of Matthew Caseby, a 23-year-old man who was detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 but who escaped and died by suicide on the railway.
Inquest Touching the Death of Andre Moura [2022]: represented the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police in the jury inquest into the death of Andre Moura after he was violently restrained by police officers while under the influence of cocaine.
Inquest Touching the Deaths of Kamil Iddrissu and Youngson Nkhoma [2022]: represented the Secretary of State for Defence in the inquest into the deaths of Kamil Iddrissu and Youngson Nkhoma, two African recruits into the British Army who had sickle cell trait and died of the complications of rhabdomyolysis following a timed run.
Inquest Touching the Death of Ian McDonald Taylor [2022]: represented the London Ambulance Service in the inquest into the death of Ian McDonald Taylor after he was restrained by police and collapsed, and his complaints of not being able to breathe were not taken seriously by police.
Inquest Touching the Death of Liam Scott Parker [2022]: represented the Chief Constable of Derbyshire Constabulary in the inquest into the death of Liam Scott Parker, who died from suicide after he was arrested for possession of indecent images of children. Mr Parker’s mother and grandmother had recently been murdered, and questions were raised regarding the adequacy of the risk assessment carried out.
Inquest Touching the Death of Corporal Alexander Tostevin [2021]: represented the Secretary of State for Defence in this high-profile inquest into the suicide of Corporal Alexander Tostevin, a member of a Specialist Military Unit. The Unit was criticised for missing warning signs and failing to adequately treat Cpl Tostevin for the trauma of being shot in the head in Afghanistan in 2010.
Inquest Touching the Death of Joseph Agnew [2021]: represented the Commissioner of Police for the City of London in this inquest into the death of Joseph Agnew, a homeless man who was removed from a bus at the end of its route by police and left upright at a bus stop. Mr Agnew was later found to be unresponsive by officers and died.
Inquest Touching the Death of Sunvinder Sahi [2020]: represented the family of a man found unconscious on a bus at its final stop at a hospital with no A&E department. An ambulance was greatly delayed and the four policemen with Mr Sahi left him uncovered on a cold pavement for four hours. Mr Sahi later suffered a cardiac arrest and died.
Inquest Touching the Death of Corporal Joshua Hoole [2020]: represented the Secretary of State for Defence in this high-profile 4-week inquest into the death of a young corporal on the hottest day of the year near the end of a strenuous 8-mile loaded march in the Brecon Beacons.
Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence
As a former practising doctor, Dijen is regularly instructed in cases involving personal injury and clinical malpractice, including professional misconduct and clinical negligence claims. His medical background makes him a particularly effective cross-examiner of medical experts and gives him a natural facility with medical and scientific material (including reading indecipherable doctors’ notes!).
Between 1986 and 1991, Dijen read medicine at the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’. In 1988, he won the Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins’ Prize for Biochemistry, awarded for the best examination and viva performance in that subject, and in 1991, Dijen was awarded a M.B., B.S. degree with Distinction in Surgery. Less than 10% of all London University medical graduates gained a Distinction in any of the Finals subjects in 1991.
He then practised medicine full time for a year, gaining Full Registration with the General Medical Council (which he continues to hold today), and continued to practise on a locum basis thereafter to fund his legal training.
Notable cases include:
- Representing a primary care trust in a case involving a doctor accused of indecently assaulting a patient in which the doctor mounted an unsuccessful appeal to the Administrative Court on a point concerning legal professional privilege;
- Acting for a young man who sustained a very serious brain injury in a car accident and negotiating a settlement of just over £1.2 million plus costs.
- Acting for a husband and wife who sustained psychiatric injury when they witnessed their daughter being struck by a car driven by a drunk driver on Christmas morning. She succumbed to her injuries a month later and the couple recovered (in settlement) over £1 million in damages.
- Appearing on behalf of a man gravely injured when knocked off his motorcycle by a Range Rover being driven by a well-known footballer. He secured settlement just short of £1 million.
- Representing a former SAS soldier who was crushed by a 2-tonne machine being moved negligently by his business partner. The defendant disputed liability, alleging that the claimant had devised the negligent system of moving the machine. The liability trial in the High Court ended with the claimant succeeding on liability and recovering his costs on the indemnity basis. He settled his claim for £750,000.
Dijen has extensive experience in employment law, both generally and specifically in the police and medical sectors. Many of his cases are at Court of Appeal level. Illustrative examples of his work include:
Kalam v Chief Constable of West Midlands Police (2023) 1301519/2021, Employment Tribunal (Employment Judge Camp): leading Aaron Rathmell, represented the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police in one of the largest sex discrimination claims brought by a police officer against the police force. Liability was admitted by the force and Dijen represented the Chief Constable at the 7-day remedy hearing
Joyce v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police (2023): successfully represented the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police defending a race discrimination claim brought by former Deputy Chief Constable Tyron Joyce. The matter was very high-profile given that the Claimant was Programme Director for the Police Race Action Plan. The Claimant abandoned his claim against Dijen’s client.
Day v Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust (2022) 2300819/2019, Employment Tribunal (Employment Judge Andrews): represented Health Education England (‘HEE’) in this high-profile claim by a junior doctor and whistleblowing campaigner, persuading the Employment Tribunal to dismiss the last claim brought against it at a preliminary hearing, avoiding a costly 4-week hearing.
Eckland v Chief Constable of Avon & Somerset Police [2021] EWCA Civ 1961, [2022] ICR 606, Court of Appeal (Underhill, Coulson and Carr LJJ): leading Elliot Gold, represented the Chief Constable of Avon & Somerset Police in this appeal concerning whether an officer dismissed by an independent misconduct panel may bring a discrimination claim against the Chief Constable even though the latter has no power to dismiss him or to prevent his dismissal.
Capita Customer Management Ltd v Ali & Chief Constable of Leicestershire v Hextall [2019] EWCA Civ 900, [2020] ICR 87, Court of Appeal (Sir Terence Etherton MR, Bean and Rose LJJ): represented the Chief Constable in his successful appeal against the decision of the EAT (Slade J) that paying men statutory shared parental leave pay potentially constitutes indirect sex discrimination. The EAT decision had been the cause of widespread concern among employers. An appeal to the Supreme Court by the officer in the Hextall case was refused permission.
R (Chief Constable of South Yorkshire) v Crown Court at Sheffield and Kelly [2021] EWCA Civ 1699, Court of Appeal (Moylan, Males & Phillips LJJ): appeal concerning a police injury pension sought 11 years after the officer’s retirement, his entitlement to a back-dated award, the jurisdiction of the Crown Court to hear and determine the claim and its power to award interest in pension appeals.
Boardman v Nugent Care Society & another [2013] EWCA Civ 198, [2013] ICR 927, Court of Appeal: Dijen acted for a teacher dismissed for an assault on a pupil.
Aitken v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2011] EWCA Civ 582, [2012] ICR 78, Court of Appeal. Disability Discrimination: the claimant police officer suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder the symptoms and signs of which made him appear dangerous. He claimed that he had been discriminated against as a result of his perceived dangerousness. Dijen successfully defended the force all the way up to the Court of Appeal.
Balu v Dudley Primary Care Trust [2010] EWHC 1208 (Admin): Dijen successfully represented the PCT throughout the proceedings (a hearing, and then 2 appeals) concerning a doctor accused of misconduct toward a patient. The doctor was subsequently ‘struck off’ the medical register by the General Medical Council.
Guernina v Thames Valley University [2008] EWCA Civ 34, Court of Appeal: Dijen acted for the successful employer in an appeal concerning national terms and conditions for university lecturers.
Coors Brewers Ltd v Adcock and others [2007] EWCA Civ 19, [2007] ICR 983, Court of Appeal: This concerned the question whether discretionary bonuses could be recovered as unlawful deductions under the Wages provisions of the Employment Rights Act 1996. Dijen represented over 500 claimants in this litigation.
Scope v Thornett [2006] EWCA Civ 1600, [2007] ICR 236, Court of Appeal: Dijen successfully represented the charity in its appeal against a ruling of the EAT against it on the assessment of compensation. The Court of Appeal agreed that, even if there was a degree of speculation involved in the question whether the employee would have lost her job in any event, it was the duty of the tribunal to assess the probability that that would happen in determining compensation.
National Power v Young [2001] ICR 328: Court of Appeal: Time Limits in Equal Pay claims brought in an employment tribunal.
Kapadia v London Borough of Lambeth [2000] IRLR 699: Court of Appeal: Disability Discrimination and whether the Employment Appeal Tribunal had erred in substituting its own finding that the claimant was disabled for the employment tribunal’s finding that he was not. This was the first ever case to be supported by the Disability Rights Commission, which was later absorbed within the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Dijen has a special interest in data protection and the law of freedom of information, in particular as they relate to the police and public bodies (including healthcare organisations).

Having trained and practised as a doctor, I can visualise any given clinical situation, whether representing a clinician facing criticism for decisions taken in the heat of the moment or acting on behalf of victims of medical disasters in understanding where mistakes have occurred.
I never forget that individuals are at the heart of every case, whether I am instructed to represent a large organisation or a public or governmental body. That makes me strive all the harder to get the best possible result in every case.
“I consider cross-examination, whether on the facts, on expert evidence or on raw issues of credibility, to be the core skill of an advocate. Done properly, it can be pure theatre.”
I still love learning new law: contrary to popular perception being a KC means I have to do that now more than ever before.
Some time ago, after I had cross examined a key witness, my instructing solicitor told me that I had been a ‘smiling assassin’ but I don’t remember smiling! I consider cross-examination, whether on the facts, on expert evidence or on raw issues of credibility, to be the core skill of an advocate. Done properly, it can be pure theatre.
“Dijen is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is unassuming but it is an absolute marvel to witness him on his feet. He does not shy away from challenging a witness even when the subject matter is extremely sensitive. He also takes no prisoners when it comes to attacking the position of opposing counsel. Fearless, there is no other word.”
The Legal 500
“He acts for the police in inquests. He took silk and didn’t break his stride and is trusted by long-term clients.”
Chambers & Partners
“Dijen is incredibly detailed and thorough.”
Chambers & Partners
Dijen’s standout quality is his forensic attention to detail.”
Chambers & Partners
“Dijen is so unreasonably clever and he is beyond effective.”
Chambers & Partners
‘An excellent advocate who provides robust advice.’
The Legal 500
“His level of understanding of the law is very impressive and he is able to explain complex law so that it is easy to understand.”
Chambers & Partners
‘Approachable, very responsive, able to assimilate huge amounts of information into easily digestible advice. Very pleasant to work with.’
The Legal 500
“He is a detail-oriented individual. A go-to for complex legal issues.”
Chambers & Partners
“Dijen is an extremely experienced and knowledgeable lawyer with a great appetite for a fight when it is required.”
Chambers & Partners
“His eye for detail and analytical skills are exceptional. His confidence and ability to make you feel at ease stands out.”
The Legal 500
“He is a very effective police law advocate.”
Chambers & Partners
“Very well aware of the police environment, so he understands the force’s perspective.”
Chambers & Partners
‘A conscientious and extremely focused silk.’
The Legal 500
“One of the best police barristers around. His wealth of experience in high-profile cases is evident in dealing with opponents and clients.”
Chambers & Partners
“He is a creative thinker and an absolutely outstanding cross-examiner.”
Chambers & Partners
“Very charming and engaging in his advocacy.”
Chambers & Partners
“Dijen is our go-to details man for technical issues involving complex issues of law, especially where they involve medical or Human Rights Act issues.”
The Legal 500
“An enormously impressive and engaging advocate, he is very precise both orally and in writing, and he takes no prisoners.”
Chambers & Partners
“Extremely bright and well prepared, but also approachable too.”
The Legal 500
“He is incredibly eloquent, he goes the extra mile all the time and his work ethic is immense.”
Chambers & Partners
“The jury likes his style, and he is intelligent and well prepared.”
Chambers & Partners
“His advice is spot-on and he provides a very quick turnaround of papers.”
Chambers & Partners
“He is very pleasant to work with and conveys confidence.”
Chambers & Partners
“Well regarded for cases involving the medical profession and police.”
The Legal 500
“first-rate”; “has sound judgement”; “is a real expert on police law”
Chambers & Partners
“knows his stuff” and is “spot on in his analysis”
Chambers & Partners
“He has a broad employment law practice which includes industrial action, whistle-blowing and discrimination cases”
Chambers & Partners
“an all-round performer”; “making real strides in the employment law world”
Chambers & Partners
“has good communication skills”; “is well liked by clients”; “is very thorough and approachable”
Chambers & Partners
“He is known for his accessibility, speed of response and quick identification of the main issues of a case” (Chambers UK 2010)
Education & Qualifications
1992 – present: Full Registration with the General Medical Council (non practising)
1991 MB, BS degree (with Distinction in Surgery) [Less than 10% of all London University medical graduates gained a Distinction in 1991]
1991 Guy’s Hospital Medical School
1988 Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins’ Prize for Biochemistry
2025: authorised to act as a Judge of the High Court in the Family Division, pursuant to s.9(1) of the Senior Courts Act 1981
2024: Bencher of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn
2010: Attorney General’s Panel of Special Advocates
2009: Recorder of the Crown Court
Dijen adopts and adheres to his provisions of the privacy notice which can be accessed here.
For further details of Dijen’s practice please contact a member of the clerking or client care team.
Bar Council Membership No: 32420
Registered Name: Dijendra Bhushan Basu
VAT Registration No: 653818809