“Laura has excellent understanding of coronial law and processes. She is a highly competent advocate with excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to distill a case to its key elements without over-complicating it.”
The Legal 500

Laura recently acted as junior counsel for The Scouts Association in high profile inquest following the death of a scout on the Great Orme in 2018. Click here for press coverage.
- In the Matter of David James Molloy (Manchester West Coroner’s Court)
Successfully represented the interest of an officer from Greater Manchester Police in connection with the death of David Molloy in custody. This case received coverage on Manchester Evening News and Bolton News.
- In the matter of EG (Sheffield Coroners Court)
Acting for a detective who was the officer in the case for an allegation of sexual assault and anal rape on a schoolgirl which was discontinued due to inconsistencies in her account. In the months after the decision the girl took her own life and cited the attitude of the police as one of the reasons.
Mental Health
- In the Matter of BM
Acted for the family of Brendan McFarlane who died less than 24 hours after being admitted to The Harbour mental health hospital in Blackpool on 25 October 2022. The jury concluded that “on the balance of probabilities, the care delivery more than minimally contributed to Bren’s death”. More information on the case can be found here. The case also received press coverage on BBC News, ITV News, The Mirror and The Daily Mail.
- In the Matter of CN (Essex Coroners Court)
Acted for a supported living accommodation in a three week inquest, where a young man from the accommodation with learning disabilities and significant mental health concerns when he jumped from a bridge and died.
- In the Matter of HL (Inner London South Coroners Court)
Acted for the family of the deceased who was a Chinese National and who was murdered by her ex partner. Successfully argued that an invasive post mortem was not necessary in the circumstances due to the deceased’s religious and cultural beliefs.
- In the Matter of CM (Northallerton Coroner’s Court)
Acted for the housemaster of a Catholic boarding school which had suspended a student following his arrest for serious criminal offences. CM killed himself the day after his release from custody. Case received extensive press coverage, including in The Telegraph and The Times.
- In the Matter of AN (Manchester Coroner’s Court)
Acted for the brother of the deceased who was an interested party, having admitted that he had supplied his brother drugs shortly before his death, when he fell from the roof of a central Manchester hotel where he worked. Press coverage can be found here.
- In the Matter of AM (Manchester Coroner’s Court)
Acted for Manchester Airport Group following the death of a passenger on an Emirates flight. MAG’s first responder firefighters’ response was described by the coroner as “textbook” and there was no criticism of the Airport. The case received coverage in the Manchester Evening News.
Health & Safety
- In the Matter of RW (Wakefield Coroner’s Court)
Acting for a lifeguard following the drowning of a three-year old boy in a pool at a national health club. The case was covered by the Daily Mail, ITV and the BBC as well as extensive local news coverage.
- In the Matter of RQ (Cumbria Coroner’s Court)
Acting for a driver following the detachment of a trailer from a work van, involving extensive engineering expert evidence. No criticisms were found of the driver at the conclusion of the seven-day inquest.
- In the Matter of DW (Manchester Coroner’s Court)
Represented the family of a man who died after the bin he was sleeping in was emptied into a waste collection lorry. The case was covered by the Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, The Sun and Daily Star.
- In the Matter of JPB (Liverpool Coroner’s Court)
Representing the security and cleaning services at a shopping centre following the death of a homeless man who had fallen asleep in a skip used by the centre.
- In the Matter of JL (Stafford Coroner’s Court)
HSE inquest acting on behalf of the family, following a cattle-related death of an employee on a dairy farm.
- In the Matter of CCT (Preston Coroner’s Court)
Seven-day inquest into the death of a customer at liveried stables and riding school, which involved complex legal argument relating to privilege against self-incrimination. Instructed on behalf of the Local Authority.
“Laura has an in-depth understanding of regulatory proceedings and the coronial process, particularly in relation to the representation of healthcare professionals and care homes. She is able to identify the key issues in a case quickly and succinctly and formulate robust and thought-provoking defences, while also being able to advise the client of these in a concise and clear way.”
The Legal 500
“Laura is tenacious in her preparation and she is good at putting the points across.”
Chambers & Partners
“Laura is always very clear and confident; her arguments are clear and succinct.”
Chambers & Partners
“Laura knows her way around the courtroom, is extremely intelligent and well rounded and can see an inquest from every possible angle.”
Chambers & Partners
“Laura has excellent understanding of coronial law and processes. She is a highly competent advocate with excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to distil a case to its key elements without over-complicating it.”
The Legal 500
“She is able to adapt her advocacy style depending on the situation.” “She is a really good advocate, a great communicator and leaves no stone unturned.”
Chambers & Partners
“Laura’s knowledge of coronial law is exceptional and her role as an assistant coroner provides a helpful insight into the tactics and strategies to be adopted when robustly defending the client’s position.”
The Legal 500
“She sits part-time as a coroner, so she has really good knowledge of the inquest process. She’s very methodical and excellent at putting forward submissions to coroners, and her advocacy is really impressive.” “She is technically excellent, quickly establishes the trust of clients, and presents arguments in a clear and coherent manner. She will go to great lengths to consider a case from every angle.”
Chambers & Partners
“Laura is an absolute expert in the arena of inquests and enquiries. She quickly identifies the key issues in any case and instantly knows the best approach to take to address the issue. She has a pleasant but direct manner with clients and counsel alike and is firm but fair when addressing the judiciary and her instructing solicitors on what she believes to be the correct course of action.”
The Legal 500
“A clever and articulate advocate who never backs down from a fight.”
The Legal 500
“Perceptive and accomplished on her feet.”
The Legal 500