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Andrew Hockton successfully defends spinal surgeon accused of inappropriate and dishonest conduct

4th July 2024

In a highly publicised case before the Medical Practitioners Tribunal it was alleged that Mr A, a well-known spinal surgeon, performed a number of complex spinal operations that were not appropriate or clinically indicated. It was further alleged that Mr A acted dishonestly in relation to claims for remuneration for various procedures and in discussion about an alleged surgical complication.

The case, which had been listed to last for around six weeks, was brought to a close within just a fortnight when the tribunal acceded to the Defence’s ‘half time submission’, made following cross-examination of the GMC’s expert, that there was ‘no case to answer’. The tribunal made no adverse findings against Mr A. It held that there was no misconduct and that Mr A’s fitness to practise was not impaired.

Mr A was represented by Andrew Hockton, who was instructed by Charlotte Ellis of DWF Law LLP.

Andrew Hockton’s profile is here. He is a winner of the Chambers and Partners Professional Discipline Junior of the Year Award.

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